Sunday, October 9, 2011

Medication for Trich

Here's my medical history with Trich. About 8 years ago, I told my primary care physician (pcp) that I thought I had Trich. She agreed and we started trying different medications for mild depression/anxiety, in the hopes these might affect my hair pulling. I've tried Zoloft, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Cymbalta, etc. She referred me to a Psychiatrist for help with medication. I'm now taking Zoloft (40mg/day) and Abilify (2mg/day). My depression/anxiety is much better, and I'm feeling less urges to pull, and if I do feel the urge to pull, it's easier to 'snap out of it', knowwhatimean? The Psychiatrist has also suggested I visit a Psychologist who specializes in CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). I'm worried this person will just tell me to put a rubber band on my wrist, and it'll be a waste of money.
Anyway...what medications have you tried? Have you had any success, any failures?
(Also, don't just ask your doctor for Abilify. That shit is expensive. I have a high deductible insurance plan, where I have to spend $3000 out of pocket before only paying a co-pay for prescriptions/office visits. A 30 day supply of Abilify 2mg/day cost me ~$480. Not cool!)