Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tough weekend

The weekend has gone only OK.  I lost track, but I think I pulled 2 hairs every day Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.  I just pulled two sitting here watching a movie, so I figured I had better stop.  I have a headache today, and I stayed home from work.  I knew that controlling my pulling at work would be way too difficult with a headache.  It's already going to be hard, and I didn't want my first day back to have that extra layer of difficulty with having a headache.

My scalp is still itchy.  It just drives my hands up there automatically to itch it, then I start feeling for a hair I can pull out.  It sucks.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Off the wagon already

I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to keep up my no pulling streak.  Today is a travel day, so I'm sitting here bored and zoning out.  My first flight was delayed, now my second flight is delayed.  I'm stressed and frustrated. I've only pulled 5 hairs, but it's 5 more than I've pulled for the last three days.  I was probably 3.5 days with no pulling.  I just hope I can do it again.  I don't want to go back to the same routine I had before.  I want to be able to get my hair cut, to go swimming, maybe even to color my hair.  I want to be able to wear my hair down, or get it styled differently.  Maybe something that actually flatters my face.  Instead of this stupid pony tail.  It's really long.  The only advantage is I can get it cut and donate it to Locks of Love.

I just want to get home and see my baby.  I missed his first week of day care.